What are the important decisions for your institution? How do you evaluate them? When are you doing your job well and how can you improve? Global Management is a way of helping leaders make strategic choices based on information and methods.

There are several systems that are very useful to show leaders what is going well and what needs to be improved in an institution. Some of these Systems are:
- Decision Support System. It analyzes data and scenarios, and suggests possible solutions for problems or opportunities.
- Balanced Scorecard. It measures the performance of an institution in four areas: financial, customers, internal processes and learning and growth.
- Summary Framework for Management. It summarizes the most important information of an institution in a single document, such as the mission, vision, objectives, strategies, indicators, etc.
- Workflow. It helps to organize and control the tasks and workflows of an institution, such as who does what, when, how and why.
- Benchmarking. It compares the performance of an institution with that of other similar or better institutions, to learn from them and improve.
- Quality Control. It checks if the products or services of an institution meet the requirements and expectations of customers, and helps to correct errors or defects.
- CRM – Relationship with the Citizen. It helps to manage and improve the relationship between an institution and its customers or citizens, such as knowing their needs, preferences, satisfaction, complaints, etc.
- Management Control. It monitors and evaluates the compliance of the plans and budgets of an institution, and helps to take corrective actions if necessary.
See the case study IPQ – Instituto Português da Qualidade