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SIGAR – Sistema Integrado de Gestão da Assembleia da República de Portugal

Inserted within the scope of administrative and legislative simplification policies aimed at increasing the internal efficiency of public services, the SIGAR – Integrated Management System of the Assembly of the Republic, of an evolutionary nature, has been implemented incrementally since 2009.

SIGAR consists of the following modules:

  • Financial Area: Budget Management and POCAR (Public Accounting Plan), Accountability, Treasury Management, Budget Preparation, Homebanking, Invoicing.
  • Human Resources Area: Personnel Management, Travel Expenses, Payroll Processing, Employee Portal, Occupational Health and Safety, Performance Evaluation, Recruitment Management.
  • Procurement Area: Asset Register and Inventories, Procurement Management, Maintenance and Conservation Works, Management of Movable Assets, Inventory/Stock Management, Multi-year Contract Management, Vehicle Management, Web Portal for Requisitions (Requisitions for Purchasing, Publishing Division, Moves, Works and Maintenance, Water and Paper, Warehouse).
  • Cross-Modules for the Assembly of the Republic: Balanced Scorecard, Advanced Search, Document Dematerialization.