Health management is a way of organizing all the information and services related to the health of a person or a population. Health management helps to have a clinical record with the history of patients and medications, to prescribe medications rationally, to schedule consultations and medical interventions, among others. Thus, health management helps to have an effective and modern health service.

Quidgest is a company that developed several management systems for large institutions in the health area. Some of these systems are:
- FCL – clinical record file. It records all the clinical information of a patient, such as their personal data, their diseases, their treatments, their exams, etc.
- Hospital maintenance management. It is a system that helps to plan and control the maintenance activities of the equipment and facilities of a hospital, such as machines, beds, rooms, etc.
- Prodesporto. It manages the programs and projects of sports and health, such as physical activities, competitions, supports, etc.
- SSI – childhood service system. It helps to manage the services and resources for children and families, such as nurseries, kindergartens, canteens, transport, etc.
- LIMS – laboratory information management system. It manages all the information and processes of a laboratory, such as samples, analyses, results, reports, etc.
- Hospital admissions. It manages the admissions of patients in a hospital, such as admissions, discharges, transfers, beds, etc.
- Pathological anatomy analyses. It manages the pathological anatomy analyses, which are exams that study the tissues and organs of the human body to diagnose diseases.
- Health Portal. It provides information and health services on the internet for citizens and health professionals, such as scheduling consultations, requesting prescriptions, consulting results, etc.
- Rational Prescription of Medications. It helps to prescribe medications rationally, that is, choosing the most suitable medications for each case, taking into account the efficacy, safety and cost.
- Health Center Management. It manages the health centers, which are units where primary health care is provided to the population.
The recognition of Quidgest’s Electronic Prescription of Medications by the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health of Portugal proves the quality and conformity of the system with all the rules defined for the model of medical prescription intended for the prescription of medications and the rules of adaptation to the electronic format. The Electronic Prescription of Medications is a system that allows doctors to prescribe medications to patients through the computer or mobile phone. This avoids the use of paper and facilitates access to medications.
Contact us for a Demo. Quidgest Timor will be your Innovative Partner for Healthcare Management Software Solutions