Integrated information management
Gabinete para os Meios da Comunicação Social (GMCS) has the mission of supporting Government in the conception, execution and evaluation of policies for social communication, seeking the qualification of the sector and the new social communication services. It takes into account safeguarding freedom of expression and other fundamental rights, as well as plurality and diversity.
Among the goals of the project was the implementation of a document management tool that ensures good performance in the procedures and excellent results.
It was intended to ensure a rigorous management of information and promote greater confidentiality, exchange and synchronization of information between the different means used and participants in each of the processes, streamlining the search for information and the processes themselves through the automation of the circuits.
The incentive process management system, implemented at a later stage, had little objective of replacing the previous register platform for all the data related to the different types of financial incentives aimed at supporting journalism and broadcasting companies, social communication, training of social communication professionals and promotion and development of the information and knowledge society.
The implementation of the different solutions, in an integrated way, allowed the creation of digital processes, as well as a better exchange of information between the GMCS collaborators and their leaders. In terms of improvements in information management, the agency highlighted greater control and monitoring of data by several users.
“With the implementation of Quidgest document management systems, we discovered a work team that developed and accompanied, in the field, tools not contemplated in the initial project, demonstrating high availability and professionalism throughout the process.”
Stella Lino, Gabinete para os Meios da Comunicação Social